Image recognition and identification plays a great role in industrial, remote sensing, and military applications. The scope of this paper is to present a novel approach for image identification and labeling using the combination of Wavenet (WN) and the Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (IDWT).
The novelty of the approach lies in, the image is divided into (8*8) blocks, then one dimensional Wavenet (WN) transform is computed to get a vector of 12 coefficients corresponding to the dilation, translation and the weight (Four coefficients for each). Finally, the Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (IDWT) is obtained for the result as a vector which was used a feature for direct image identification and labeling using the distance measure. This method gave a perfect result of 100% for a database of 100 different images. The algorithm is implemented using MATLAB programminglanguagesversion7.