Problem Based Learning in Design and Technology Education Supported by Hypermedia-Based Environments

Tom Page*, Milka Lehtonen**
*Loughborough University Department of Design & Technology, Loughborough.
**University of Lapland, Finland.
Periodicity:October - December'2006


Audio-visual advances in virtual reality (VR) technology have given rise to innovative new ways to teach and learn. However, so far teaching and learning processes have been technologically driven as opposed to pedagogically led. This paper identifies the development of a pedagogical model and its application for teaching, studying and learning with 3D virtual reality technologies. This is in the context of design and technology education, where it has been devised for the support of innovation education. This work promotes an understanding of the implications of virtual learning technologies in education for teachers, learners and educational decision-makers. Furthermore, it can be shown that when pedagogical considerations are given weight in the development of such technology-based learning services, improvements arise for all stakeholders.


Network- Based Mobile Education (NBME), Virtual Reality (VR), Design And Technology Education, Pedagogical Models, Information And Communication Technologies (Icts).

How to Cite this Article?

Dr. Tom Page and Dr. Mikalehtonen. (2006). Problem Based Learning in Design and Technology Education Supported by Hypermedia-Based Environments. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 3(3), 63-78.


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