Application of Response Surface Methodology for The Machining of Aluminum Alloys Using Carbide Cutting Tool

B. Sidda Reddy*, K. Thirupathi Reddy**, Syed Altaf Hussain***
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.G.M College ofEngg. & Technology, Nandyal, Kurnool(Dist], Andhra Pradesh.
** Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.G.M College of Engg. & Technology, Nandyal, Kurnool(Dist], Andhra Pradesh.
*** Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.G.M College of Engg. & Technology, Nandyal, Kurnool(Dist), Andhra Pradesh.
Periodicity:November - January'2008


This paper deals with the development of second order mathematical model using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to predict the surface roughness in terms of machining parameters viz., cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. The experimentation has been conducted using full factorial design in the design of experiments (DOE) on CNC turning machine with carbide cutting tool The adequacy of the developed model is verified by using coefficient of determination and analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The predicted values and measured values are fairly close, which indicates that the developed model can be effectively used to predict the surface roughness on machining of aluminum alloys within the ranges of variables studied. The predicted values are confirmed by using validation experiments.


Mathematical Model, Aluminum alloys, Surface Roughness, RSM, ANOVA.

How to Cite this Article?

B. Sidda Reddy, K. Thirupathi Reddy and Syed Altaf Hussain (2008). Application of Response Surface Methodology for The Machining of Aluminum Alloys Using Carbide Cutting Tool. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 3(2), 70-76.


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