An Optimization of Fourth Generation Mobile device for Heterogeneous Network

Chandrasekar C*, Krishnan A**
* Professor & Head, Department of MCA, KS.R College of Engineering Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Dean, KS.R College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2007


Fourth Generation (4G) mobile systems focus on seamlessly integrating the existing wireless technologies wireless LAN and cellular networks. Seamless Mobility and 4G are complimentary Technologies. 4G will extend the high-speed data capabilities available inside the WLAN, outside to the wide area cellular network. Seamless Mobility will increase the capacity of 4G networks, enabling deeper market penetration with lowered infrastructure demands. With the rapid development of wireless communication networks, it is expected that fourth generation mobile systems will be launched within decades. The progress in the wireless communications (4G Cellular Technology and Wireless LANs) is paving the way for high-speed data connectivity enabling multimedia communications. Though wireless LANs are cheaper the range is limited and availability is limited compared to Cellular network. One possibility is to use 4G technology when wireless LANs are not available and seamlessly switch between these technologies to provide improved and transparent connectivity.

The proposed approach is used to evaluate Mobile IPv6 protocol performance in heterogeneous environments, and identify the weaknesses of this protocol to manage seamless roaming between different technologies. From this comparison the proposed approach is minimum time delay (latency time), higher Throughput and Reliability are successfully achieved.


How to Cite this Article?

Chandrasekar C and Krishnan A (2007). An Optimization of Fourth Generation Mobile device for Heterogeneous Network. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(1), 35-43.


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