LDMA: Load Balancing Using Decision Making Decentralized Mobile Agents

Aramudhan M *
*Assistant Professor, Department of lnformationTechnology, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai
Periodicity:October - December'2007
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.2.2.676


This paper introduces a new load balancing algorithm, called LDMA (Load balancing using decision making Decentralized Mobile Agents), which distributes load among clustered web servers organized in a mesh topology, by a communications network and compares its performance with other load balancing algorithm: MALD (Mobile Agent based LoaD balancing).Architecture is developed for the same and all necessary attributes such as load deviation, system throughput and average response time incurred as a result of the work are dealt with. In past works, a centralized decision making algorithms were used for dispatching the requests among the web servers in the distributed client/server environment. In the proposed approach, a decentralized decision making approach is used for distributing requests among the web servers. A simulator is developed in C++ and its performance is evaluated. The analysis shows that LDMA is better than MALD load balancing algorithm.


Load Balancing, Decentralized Decision Making, Mobile Agents, Clustered Web Servers

How to Cite this Article?

Aramudhan M (2007). LDMA: Load Balancing Using Decision Making Decentralized Mobile Agents. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(2), 89-95. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.2.2.676


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