Intelligent BASED Driver for Driving Vehicles Using Image Segmentation

Naga Raju C *, Vijaya Kumar V**
*Professor, &Head of CSE ,VRS&YRN College of ENGINEERING &Technology
**Professor, &Head of CSE ,RGMC of Engg &Technology,Nandyal
Periodicity:July - September'2007


Segmentation plays an important role in low level image analysis and understanding. Basically, it involves the identification of regions with the same texture features .The further analysis can be performed on the respective regions alone. Due to its simplicity and performance, many people have applied it to a number of different applications such as analysis of remote sensing images, industrial monitoring of product quality, medical image analysis, and image retrieval. In this paper, Segmentation algorithm is applied for intelligent based driver for driving vehicles to avoid obstacles. Computers become a part of our real life. Educated persons, Business Magnets waste most of their time in driving (Four-wheeler) vehicles to reach the destinations on time to accomplish their goals. If they were allowed to do some useful work while driving, it will be a great boon. During night times many accidents take place due to driver’s negligence. It can be avoided if vehicle can be driven with intelligent based driver which is developed by software. This Paper describes how the intelligent based driver can be developed and the usage of it.


Morphological Gradient, Marker, Watershed Transformations and Regularized Gradient

How to Cite this Article?

Naga Raju C and Vijaya Kumar V (2007). Intelligent BASED Driver for Driving Vehicles Using Image Segmentation. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(1), 30-34.


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