Adjusting Membership Functions and Generating TSK Fuzzy Systems from Numerical Data: Application to a Medical Case

0*, Raouf Ketata**, Imed Maaloul***, Chtourou M****, Mounir Ben Jemaa*****
* ,** Research unit on Intelligent Control, Design and Optimization of Complex Systems (lCOS), National School of Engg of SfaxTunisia.
*** Department of infectious diseases, Hedi Chaker University Hospital, Sf Tunisia
**** Research unit on Intelligent Control, Design and Optimization of ComplexSystems(ICOS), National School of Engineers of Sf Sfax Tunisia.
*****Department of infectious diseases, Hedi Chaker UnNersify Hospital, Sfax. Tunisia.
Periodicity:July - September'2007


This paper presents a new algorithm for generating fuzzy rule base from numerical data. The algorithm is based on different concepts: First, the Mendel Wang generating method for constructing rules premises. Second, the gradient descent method for the identification of Takagi—Sugeno—Kang (TSK) parameters. Third, the similarity measure between fuzzy sets premises and TSK parameters. The principal idea consists in the adjustment of membership function if similarity exists using initial numerical values. The benefits consist in a better fuzzy sets definition without reducing fuzzy rule bases or losing precision. This paper focuses on the application of this approach to the non linear function and a medical problem.


Generating Fuzzy Rules, Gradient Descent Method, Merging Fuzzy Sets and Similarity

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Hatem Bellaaj, Raouf Ketata, Imed Maaloul, Chtourou M and Mounir Ben Jemaa (2007). Adjusting Membership Functions and Generating TSK Fuzzy Systems from Numerical Data: Application to a Medical Case.i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(1),10-23.


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