Prediction of Cetane Number for Bio-Fuels Using In-Cylinder Parameter

Lakshmi narayana Rao G.*, Bhaskar K.**, Sampath S.***, Rajagopal K.****
*Assistant Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineeirng ,Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering,Pennalur.
**Senior Lecturer,Department of Automobile Engineering,Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering,Pennalur,Sriperumpudhur,Tamilnadu,India.
***Director (R&D),Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering,Pennalur,Sriperumpudhur,Tamilnadu,India.
****Vice-Chancellor,Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh,India.
Periodicity:November - January'2008


Many researchers have concluded that bio-diesel holds a promise as an alternative fuel for diesel engines because of its advantages compared to conventional diesel fuel. The efficiency of a Diesel engine depends upon several factors like the conversion rate of chemical energy of the fuel into heat. Cetane number of diesel fuels is an important parameter because of its direct impact on the performance, emission and combustion-generated noise in diesel engines. Conventional method of determining the cetane number requires CFR engine with primary reference fuels. This process is well established for diesel fuel even though it is a costlier and time-consuming process. In this work, an attempt was made to develop correlations to predict cetane number for selected bio fuels. The bio fuels considered were Pungam Methyl Esters (PGME), Sunflower Methyl Esters (SFME), Rice Bran Methyl Esters (RBME), Palm Oil Methyl esters (POME) and Jetropha Oil Methyl Esters (JOME). Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Chennai, India supplied fuels with known cetane numbers of 25, 51 and 63. These reference fuels were tested in a 4.4 kW naturally aspirated stationary, air-cooled, four-stroke, direct injection engine coupled with an electrical dynamometer. This engine was instrumented with AVL piezo-electric pressure transducer and angle encoder.  The transducer and the angle encoder were interfaced with personal computer to store the pressure versus crank angle data. The AVL Indimeter software was used to analyze the collected data. Initially, experiments were conducted with fuels of known cetane number at various loads. From these results ignition delay was determined and tabulated for the above conditions. The correlations were developed based on ignition delay for the known cetane number of fuels at all loads. The same experimental procedure was followed for all the bio-fuels. The correlations were used to find the cetane number of bio-fuels. It was found that cetane number predicted by the correlations matched with available data for the bio-fuels.


Pungam Methyl Esters (PGME), Sunflower Methyl Esters (SFME), Rice Bran Methyl Esters (RBME), Palm Oil Methyl esters (POME) and Jetropha Oil Methyl Esters (JOME)

How to Cite this Article?

Lakshmi narayana Rao G., Bhaskar K., Sampath S., and Rajagopal K. (2008). Prediction of Cetane Number for Bio-Fuels Using In-Cylinder Parameter. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 3(2), 47-54.


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