Flexural Vibration of Piezo-CFRP Laminated Multilayer Hollow Cylinder

Nehru Erode Santhanam*
* Department of Mathematics, IBRI College of Technology,Al-Aqder, IBRI, Sultanate of OMAN.
Periodicity:November - January'2008
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.3.2.656


Flexural vibration of an infinite piezolaminated multilayer hollow cylinder made of piezoelectric layers of 6mm-class and an isotropic CFRP (Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics) layers is studied. The frequency equations are obtained for the traction free outer surface with continuity conditions at the interfaces. The frequency equations solved by using Muller’s method with VC++ programme.Since we are using VC++ programme we will get more accurate frequency values for different wave numbers, so that we can study about the attenuation effect and vibration charcterstics.Numerical results are carried out for the inner hollow, middle and outer piezoelectric layers bonded by CFRP layers and the dispersion curves are compared with that of a similar 3-layer model and a piezoelectric model.


Flexural Vibration, Piezoelectric, Multilayer cylinders, CFRP, LEMV.

How to Cite this Article?

Nehru Erode Santhanam (2008). Flexural Vibration of Piezo-CFRP Laminated Multilayer Hollow Cylinder. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 3(2), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.3.2.656


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