For purposes of the present study, it was hypothesized that field (in)dependence would introduce systematic variance into Iranian EFL learners’ overall and task-specific performance on task-based reading comprehension tests. 1743 freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students all majoring in English at different Iranian universities and colleges took the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT). The resulting 582 Field-Independent (FI) and the 707 Field-Dependent (FD) students then took the 1990 version of the IELTS. Using SPSS commands for collapsing continuous variables into groups, and participants' IELTS scores (based on 25, 50, 75 percentiles), four proficiency groups were identified for each kind of cognitive styles. From each proficiency group, 36 FD and 36 FI individuals were selected through a matching process. The resulting sample of 288 participants took the Task-Based Reading Test (TBRT) designed for the study. The results of data analysis revealed that individuals' cognitive styles resulted in a significant difference in their overall test performance in proficient, semi-proficient, and fairly proficient groups, but not in the low-proficient group. The findings also indicated that cognitive style resulted in a significant difference in participants' performance of true-false, sentence completion, outlining, skimming, and elicitation tasks in all proficiency groups.


Is Cognitive Style A Precursor To Efl Reading Performance?

Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan*
English Department,University of Zanjan,Iran.
Periodicity:April - June'2007


For purposes of the present study, it was hypothesized that field (in)dependence would introduce systematic variance into Iranian EFL learners’ overall and task-specific performance on task-based reading comprehension tests. 1743 freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students all majoring in English at different Iranian universities and colleges took the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT). The resulting 582 Field-Independent (FI) and the 707 Field-Dependent (FD) students then took the 1990 version of the IELTS. Using SPSS commands for collapsing continuous variables into groups, and participants' IELTS scores (based on 25, 50, 75 percentiles), four proficiency groups were identified for each kind of cognitive styles. From each proficiency group, 36 FD and 36 FI individuals were selected through a matching process. The resulting sample of 288 participants took the Task-Based Reading Test (TBRT) designed for the study. The results of data analysis revealed that individuals' cognitive styles resulted in a significant difference in their overall test performance in proficient, semi-proficient, and fairly proficient groups, but not in the low-proficient group. The findings also indicated that cognitive style resulted in a significant difference in participants' performance of true-false, sentence completion, outlining, skimming, and elicitation tasks in all proficiency groups.


Cognitive Style, Field Dependence, Field Independence, Test Performance, Factors, Language Testing, Reading Comprehension, Task-Based Testing.

How to Cite this Article?

Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan (2007). Is Cognitive Style A Precursor To Efl Reading Performance? i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(1), 66-84.


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