Process Intensification for Separation of Carboxylic Acids from Fermentation Broths using Reactive Extraction

Sushil Kumar*
*Lecturer,Chemical Engineering Department ,Bits Pilani.
**Dean,Educational Hardware Division &Processor ,Chemical Engineering Department ,Bits Pilani.(Rajasthan),India.
Periodicity:February - April'2008


The potential role of a new energy efficient fermentation technology has been receiving growing attention in past 4 decades. Carboxylic acids such as propionic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, itaconic acid, butyric acid and nicotinic acid etc. have been used as the most efficient fermentation chemicals. This paper presents a state-of-art review on the development of the separation techniques for carboxylic acids from fermentation broths. This paper mainly focuses on reactive extraction that is found to be a promising alternative to the conventional recovery processes in terms of intensifying the process.


Carboxylic acids, Fermentation, Separation Processes, Process intensification, Reactive Extraction.

How to Cite this Article?

Sushil Kumar and B.V. Babu (2008). Process Intensification for Separation of Carboxylic Acids from Fermentation Broths using Reactive Extraction. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 3(3), 21-28.


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