Information Technologies and Globalization: New Perspectives of Teaching Learning Process

Irshad Husain*
* Assistant Professor, Department of Education, lnternational lslamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Periodicity:March - May'2008


This article discusses how information technologies and globalization have opened new avenues and horizons for educators and learners. It discusses different experiences of using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in teaching learning process the world over in the age of globalization. It focuses on the ways these new trends have promoted opportunities of flexible learning; possible at any time and any place in any discipline and a shift from teacher centered teaching to student centered learning. Presently accumulated knowledge and experience occupies central place and students have direct access to it. They can develop collaboration to work in groups. Teachers have to work in preparing and evaluating instructional materials and spend most of their time in coaching students how to retrieve and process information.


Information And Communication Technologies, Globalization, Teaching Learning Process, Teacher Education, E-Learning, Cyber Courses.

How to Cite this Article?

Irshad Hussain (2008). Information Technologies and Globalization: New Perspective of Teaching Learning Process. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology. 3(4), 8-16.


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