The main purpose of this paper is to identify and rank the future research categories, priorities and needs for online learning. Based on the main purpose of this study and the concerns, the key research inquiries are: 1) What are the major research categories identified by the online workers for online learning over the next ten years?; 2) What are the major research priorities identified by the online workers for online learning over the next ten years?; and 3) What are the major research needs identified by the online workers for online learning over the next ten years? This is a mixed study that utilizes both quantitative and qualitative data to provide detailed information to the researcher for the data collection. The Delphi Study was used to represent a constructive communication device among a group of experts. A total of 72 participants (24 female and 48 male) were selected and all of them completed all three rounds of the study. These experts identified top categories, priorities and needs for online learning. The author hopes that this study can find diverse resources, multicultural experiences, and egalitarian opportunities that open our minds and broaden our perspectives for online learning.


Research Categories, Priorities And Needs For Online Learning: A Delphi Study For Promote Excellence

Gulsun Kurubacak*
Assistant Professor,Anadolu University,College of open Education,Department of Distance Education,Eskisheir ,Turkey.
Periodicity:April - June'2007


The main purpose of this paper is to identify and rank the future research categories, priorities and needs for online learning. Based on the main purpose of this study and the concerns, the key research inquiries are: 1) What are the major research categories identified by the online workers for online learning over the next ten years?; 2) What are the major research priorities identified by the online workers for online learning over the next ten years?; and 3) What are the major research needs identified by the online workers for online learning over the next ten years? This is a mixed study that utilizes both quantitative and qualitative data to provide detailed information to the researcher for the data collection. The Delphi Study was used to represent a constructive communication device among a group of experts. A total of 72 participants (24 female and 48 male) were selected and all of them completed all three rounds of the study. These experts identified top categories, priorities and needs for online learning. The author hopes that this study can find diverse resources, multicultural experiences, and egalitarian opportunities that open our minds and broaden our perspectives for online learning.


Constructive Communication Device, Multicultural Experiences, Egalitarian Opportunities.

How to Cite this Article?

Gulsun Kurubacak (2007). Research Categories, Priorities And Needs For Online Learning: A Delphi Study For Promote Excellence. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(1), 43-52.


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