Olive Tree Identification Method by Spatial Statistics Analysis and Mathematical Morphology

Mounir Salhi*, A. Kallel**, N. Derbel***
*Member, National Remote Sensing Center, Tunisia.
** Professor, Research Unit on Inielligent Control, Design and Optimization of Complex Sysiems, Ecole Nationale dlngenieurs, DeSfax, Tunisia.
*** Full Professor, Director, Research Uniton Intelligent Control, Design and Optimization of Complex Sysiems, Ecole Nationale dlngenieurs, DeSfax, Tunisia.
Periodicity:February - April'2008
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.3.3.638


In this paper, a tree detection algorithm designed specifically for high-resolution digital imagery of cultivated trees is presented and evaluated. The algorithm falls into the class of post classification methods. However, it refines results of an initial classified image by providing statistical neighbourhood measures for each detected tree. Consequently, it retains only location of target tree spice. We base our algorithm on mathematical morphology skeleton approach. The resulting algorithm increases our ability to accurately locate individual trees; the goal is to incorporate spatial location in the GIS platform. Skeleton approach reduces a set of objects to a set of points that describes their geometric centres. These points provide the means to define and measure a number of statistics neighbourhood-based distances (Su et al., 1997). Hereby, new spatial measures exploiting the k-order neighbouring techniques and mathematical morphology were developed and found to increase the discrimination between certain spectrally similar classes (Zhang and Murayma, 2000). Applied to olive tree fields from a remotely sensed image, we increased the classification accuracy by not only reducing errors of omission and commission in tree detection, but also overshoots and undershoots in crown boundary delineation.


Remote sensing, mathematical morphology, spatial statistics, classification, object identification.

How to Cite this Article?

Mounir Salhi, A. Kallel and N. Derbel (2008). Olive Tree Identification Method by Spatial Statistics Analysis and Mathematical Morphology. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 3(3), 5-13. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.3.3.638


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