Approximately 40% of beginning teachers are leaving the teaching field after their first year of teaching (Wong, 2005).  That percentage declines significantly when beginning teachers are part of an induction program that offers mentoring as an integral component.  The majority of mentoring in the teaching profession is traditional face-to-face.  Extending traditional mentoring of teachers to include or rely upon ementoring would add many benefits for the mentors and mentees.  eMentoring is using technology such as email and conferencing systems for communication and discussions among mentors and mentees.  The amount of research about the effects of ementoring and new teachers is limited; therefore, further study is needed.


eMentoring for First Year Teachers

Michelle Simons-szulczewski*, Zane L. Berge**
associate professor and former director of the Training Systems Graduate Programs, UMBC, Baltimore MD USA.
Periodicity:April - June'2007


Approximately 40% of beginning teachers are leaving the teaching field after their first year of teaching (Wong, 2005).  That percentage declines significantly when beginning teachers are part of an induction program that offers mentoring as an integral component.  The majority of mentoring in the teaching profession is traditional face-to-face.  Extending traditional mentoring of teachers to include or rely upon ementoring would add many benefits for the mentors and mentees.  eMentoring is using technology such as email and conferencing systems for communication and discussions among mentors and mentees.  The amount of research about the effects of ementoring and new teachers is limited; therefore, further study is needed.


Ementoring, Mentors And Mentees, Traditional Mentoring.

How to Cite this Article?

Michelle Simons-szulczewski and Zane L. Berge (2007). eMentoring for First Year Teachers. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(1), 29-32.


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