Some Quality Considerations in the Design and Implementation of Learning Objects

Tom Page*, Gisli Thorsteinsson**
* Department of Design and Technology, Loughborough University, UK.
** Department of Design and Craft, University of Iceland, Iceland.
Periodicity:September - November'2008


This paper presents the reflections of teachers regarding the use of ICT in teaching and their implications for students’ quality of learning as well as on quality of teaching behaviours.  The research data was collected in the frame of FISTE-project, A Future Way for In-service Teacher Training across Europe.  It is argued that ICT is a key factor for positive changes in teachers’ pedagogical thinking and skills.  The question of different manner of ICT use in education is analyzed together with their impact for different other components of the educational process.


Pedagogical Use Of ICT; Educational Believes.

How to Cite this Article?

Tom Page and Gisli Thorsteinsson (2008) Some Quality Considerations in the Design and Implementation of Learning Objects. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology. 4(1), 7-13.


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