In this research, we examine whether there is a difference in undergraduate student performance on skills-based exams in an introductory computer literacy course at a state, comprehensive university when exams are administered in-class vs. online.  Two samples, each consisting of approximately 107 students, are considered.  A comparison of exam scores will be used as to identify differences in exam performance between the two groups. 


Proctored Vs. Un-Proctored Exams In A Hybrid Course: A Brief Comparison Of Student Results

Kimberly Killmer Hollister*
*Associate Professor, Department of Management & Information Systems, Montclair State University Upper MontcLair, NJ.
Periodicity:July - September'2007


In this research, we examine whether there is a difference in undergraduate student performance on skills-based exams in an introductory computer literacy course at a state, comprehensive university when exams are administered in-class vs. online.  Two samples, each consisting of approximately 107 students, are considered.  A comparison of exam scores will be used as to identify differences in exam performance between the two groups. 


Skills-Based Exams, Computer Literacy Course.

How to Cite this Article?

Kimberly Killmer Hollister (2007). Proctored Vs. Un-Proctored Exams In A Hybrid Course: A Brief Comparison Of Student Results. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2), 63-68.


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