This study addresses the notion that online learning and web-based resources act as a useful support system that enhances free expression, critical thinking, student discussion and collaborative writing. The study focuses, specifically, on the combination of a web-based software application designed for collaborative learning, namely, the Seedwiki and the MSN, an instant messaging service or chat log, which enlivens online discussion of a literary text. Examination and analysis of webpage posting of four participants involved in the study, their chat log entries and interviews held with them revealed that network-assisted collaborative learning creates a social, communicative and interactive environment which facilitates the teaching and learning process. The sharing of personal opinions online and presentation of differing but substantiated arguments, allow students to become more independent, competent and autonomous learners in a virtual environment.


The Seedwiki-MSN Connection

Pushpa Raghavan*, Fatimah Hashim**
Associate Professor at the University of Malaya, Kuaia Lumpur.
Periodicity:July - September'2007


This study addresses the notion that online learning and web-based resources act as a useful support system that enhances free expression, critical thinking, student discussion and collaborative writing. The study focuses, specifically, on the combination of a web-based software application designed for collaborative learning, namely, the Seedwiki and the MSN, an instant messaging service or chat log, which enlivens online discussion of a literary text. Examination and analysis of webpage posting of four participants involved in the study, their chat log entries and interviews held with them revealed that network-assisted collaborative learning creates a social, communicative and interactive environment which facilitates the teaching and learning process. The sharing of personal opinions online and presentation of differing but substantiated arguments, allow students to become more independent, competent and autonomous learners in a virtual environment.


Messaging Service, Chat Log, Instant Messaging Service, Virtual Environment.

How to Cite this Article?

Pushpa Raghavan, Fatimah Hashim (2007). The Seedwiki-MSN Connection. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2), 55-62.


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