This paper describes an experiment where dialogue-based learning is applied to map acquisition of method effectiveness in learning technology. The class becomes conversant of different teaching methods carried out during course completion followed by dialogic thinking within groups. As dialogic method is effective in assisting teachers’ acquisition of content points and reflection on personal growth, a regular practice was taken up in the class. The eighty graduate teacher trainees, who were taught the same learning technique and strategies, though targeting job opportunity at different organizations, were investigated to study, whether, there is a difference in performance between these groups of trainees in putting across their thoughts in dialogic mapping, and if there is a difference between the cognitive structures of these groups concerning Dialogue map, students’ misconceptions in learning technology are clarified by the process of dialogue mapping and whether there is a correlation between concept mapping ability of students and their performance in dialogic thinking exists.

This research found that the dialogue-map was effective in exhibiting different experience levels of teacher trainees ranging from master-level to graduate teachers. The importance and the effectiveness of proper segmentation of spatial-action space and qualitative inference using estimated mental models on the segmented representation were clearly exhibited. This method greatly aided in strengthening their knowledge of conceptualizing dialogic thinking. The effectiveness of this method was also found in assisting investigator when communicating teaching ideas amongst professional development dialogue groups.


Implication Of Dialogue Mapping As Evaluation Tool In Learning Technology

Vinita Singh*
Faculty of Education,University of Vanasthali,Rajasthan.
Periodicity:July - September'2007


This paper describes an experiment where dialogue-based learning is applied to map acquisition of method effectiveness in learning technology. The class becomes conversant of different teaching methods carried out during course completion followed by dialogic thinking within groups. As dialogic method is effective in assisting teachers’ acquisition of content points and reflection on personal growth, a regular practice was taken up in the class. The eighty graduate teacher trainees, who were taught the same learning technique and strategies, though targeting job opportunity at different organizations, were investigated to study, whether, there is a difference in performance between these groups of trainees in putting across their thoughts in dialogic mapping, and if there is a difference between the cognitive structures of these groups concerning Dialogue map, students’ misconceptions in learning technology are clarified by the process of dialogue mapping and whether there is a correlation between concept mapping ability of students and their performance in dialogic thinking exists.

This research found that the dialogue-map was effective in exhibiting different experience levels of teacher trainees ranging from master-level to graduate teachers. The importance and the effectiveness of proper segmentation of spatial-action space and qualitative inference using estimated mental models on the segmented representation were clearly exhibited. This method greatly aided in strengthening their knowledge of conceptualizing dialogic thinking. The effectiveness of this method was also found in assisting investigator when communicating teaching ideas amongst professional development dialogue groups.


Dialogue-Based Learning, Dialogic Method, Learning Technology, Dialogue-Map.

How to Cite this Article?

Vinita Singh (2007). Implication Of Dialogue Mapping As Evaluation Tool In Learning Technology. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2), 49-54.


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