On the verge of 21st century with the knowledge explosion it has become one of the prime necessities of all the students to become an information literate life-long learner in order to meet the requirements of the fast-paced society. Students differ in the way they seek information, its use and as well as the way they adapt to these information. All these tend to have an affect on their future progress, achievement, classroom environment and learning and interpersonal relationship. Accordingly University teachers task are not only to deliver pieces of information but to support the learning process and skills for information seeking and problem solving behaviour. Therefore Universities are in desperate needs to understand the nature of information seeking behaviour of the students. Information seeking has often been compared to a rational problem-solving process, where a gap in knowledge triggers a conscious search for information. It is dependent on the context and to a large extent on the individual’s psychological mechanism.

The researcher finds out on the line of Wilson’s 2000 model of information behaviour to show how teaching- learning method influences the information-seeking process. The present study aimed at identifying the facilitating and inhibiting factors of information seeking behaviour of the University students.


Emerging Needs Of University Students In An Era Of Information Explosion: Need For A Psychological Approach

Santoshi Halder*, Anjali Roy**
*Lecturer, Department of Education,CalcutfaUniverslfy.
**Department of Applied Psychology, CalcuttaUniversify
Periodicity:July - September'2007
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.4.2.612


On the verge of 21st century with the knowledge explosion it has become one of the prime necessities of all the students to become an information literate life-long learner in order to meet the requirements of the fast-paced society. Students differ in the way they seek information, its use and as well as the way they adapt to these information. All these tend to have an affect on their future progress, achievement, classroom environment and learning and interpersonal relationship. Accordingly University teachers task are not only to deliver pieces of information but to support the learning process and skills for information seeking and problem solving behaviour. Therefore Universities are in desperate needs to understand the nature of information seeking behaviour of the students. Information seeking has often been compared to a rational problem-solving process, where a gap in knowledge triggers a conscious search for information. It is dependent on the context and to a large extent on the individual’s psychological mechanism.

The researcher finds out on the line of Wilson’s 2000 model of information behaviour to show how teaching- learning method influences the information-seeking process. The present study aimed at identifying the facilitating and inhibiting factors of information seeking behaviour of the University students.


Classroom Environment, Learning And Interpersonal Relationship, Behaviour.

How to Cite this Article?

Santoshi Halder and Anjali Roy (2007). Emerging Needs Of University Students In An Era Of Information Explosion: Need For A Psychological Approach. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2), 36-42. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.4.2.612


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