The focus of this literature review addresses the opportunities which new media can have for design and technology education at university level. Advances in how the public and technology interact  have changed drastically with the impact of New Media and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This research investigates the role of New Media and  Information and Communication Technologies for design and technology education. As more young people participate in a greater variety of new communication modalities, new studies of these forms of communication - and new methods of studying such communication tools- need to be developed. This research will  provide unique insights and recommendations for how new approaches to analysing and understanding New Media and ICTs can enrich the everyday pedagogic practices in design and technology education.  In particular, scenarios for New Media applications will be applied to design and technology education.  It is argued that the results from this research and literature review will have promising implications for the design of New Media applications  appropriate to the educational context they have been researched in.


Technology Enhanced Learning In Design And Technology Education

Tom Page*, Gisli Thorsteinsson**
*,** Department of Design &Technology ,Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leics, U.K.
Periodicity:July - September'2007


The focus of this literature review addresses the opportunities which new media can have for design and technology education at university level. Advances in how the public and technology interact  have changed drastically with the impact of New Media and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This research investigates the role of New Media and  Information and Communication Technologies for design and technology education. As more young people participate in a greater variety of new communication modalities, new studies of these forms of communication - and new methods of studying such communication tools- need to be developed. This research will  provide unique insights and recommendations for how new approaches to analysing and understanding New Media and ICTs can enrich the everyday pedagogic practices in design and technology education.  In particular, scenarios for New Media applications will be applied to design and technology education.  It is argued that the results from this research and literature review will have promising implications for the design of New Media applications  appropriate to the educational context they have been researched in.


ICTs, forms of communication, New Media Applications.

How to Cite this Article?

Tom Page and Gisli Thorsteinsson (2007). Technology Enhanced Learning In Design And Technology Education. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2), 23-35.


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