A Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Using Multi Chaotic Schemes as Elliptic Curve, Quasi Group and also with Genetic Algorithm

Monisha Sharma*, M. Kowar**, Manisha Sharma***
*Reader ,Department of Electronics and Telecommunication ,Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering and Technology,Bhilai.
**Principal,Bhilai Institute of Technology.
***Associate Professor,Department of Electronics and Tele communication,Bhilai Institute of Technology.,Durg
Periodicity:May - July'2008
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.3.4.610


In the present paper, a novel Elliptic curve and quasi pseudo random sequence based Genetic algorithm for data encryption has been proposed. By combining the spatial domain encryption of digital image by the proposed technique and a new pseudo random generator, the security of encryption scheme has been enhanced effectively. Instead of encrypting an image in a chaotic signal directly, the proposed scheme uses multi-chaotic systems based on the idea of higher level of secrecy. Two of the chaotic systems are used to generate a pseudo random sequence, which is better than the existing ones. The other chaotic system is used for encryption purpose. The encryption by this method is such that the real time signal can be transformed into completely disordered data. The security of encryption scheme is analyzed in detail. The proposed algorithm possesses interesting features like, High level of security, Less memory usage requirement, Low computational complexity, Larger key space, Sensitive to key and can resist brute force attacks, Small key size, Faster implementation and Less Bandwidth. Thus the proposed scheme is very much suitable for the digital image encryption.


Quasi Pseudo Random Sequence, Genetic, Chaotic sequence, Chaotic system, Elliptic Curve.

How to Cite this Article?

Monisha Sharma, M. Kowar and Manisha Sharma (2008). A Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Using Multi Chaotic Schemes as Elliptic Curve, Quasi Group and also with Genetic Algorithm. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 3(4), 70-79. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.3.4.610


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