Reversed Cyclic Lateral Load Effects on Multistorey R.C. Shear Wall – An Effective Lateral Load Resisting System

G. Nandini Devi*, K. Subramanian**, A.R. Santhakumar***
*Ph.DScholar, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
*** Emeritus Professor(AICTE), Indian Institute ofTechnology, Madras, Chennai.
Periodicity:May - July'2008


High rise buildings provide a decent shelter with minimum possible area of land for the maximum possible requirements at a reasonable cost. Well - designed shear wall in a seismic area provides structural safety and gives a good protection for non-structural items like false ceiling, wall panels, etc.(whose cost would come upto 70% of the total) from damage during moderate seismic disturbances. In this paper the experimental investigation consisted of testing quarter-sized five storey one bay reinforced concrete shear wall frame under static lateral reversed cyclic load was presented. Load was applied at the fifth, third and first storey level. The deflections at all storey levels were measured using LVDT. The strains in steel and concrete were monitored at maximum load and unloading conditions during all cycles of loading. The important parameters considered for study were load carrying capacity, stiffness degradation, ductility factor and energy dissipation capacity. The formation and propagation of cracks, hinge formation and failure pattern have been recorded. Theoretical analysis were carried out using finite element software ANSYS, SAP2000Nonlinear (push over analysis), compared and concluded with experimental results.


Stiffness, Ductility, Energy Dissipation, Finite Element, Push Over Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

G. Nandini Devi, K. Subramanian and A.R. Santhakumar (2008). Reversed Cyclic Lateral Load Effects on Multistorey R.C. Shear Wall – An Effective Lateral Load Resisting System. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 3(4), 51-61.


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