Advanced Retrofitting Techniques for ReinforcedConcrete Structures: a State-of-the-Art Review

Soumya Gorai*, P.R. Maiti**
* Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
** Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2016


Any technology or material has its limitations and to meet the new requirements, new technologies have been invented and used over the ages. A large number of reinforced concrete structures located at seismic prone areas are not capable of withstanding earthquakes according to the current coal provisions. Furthermore the seismic behaviour of the existing buildings are affected due to design deficiency, construction deficiency, additional loads, additional performance demand, etc. Recent earthquakes have clearly demonstrated an urgent need to upgrade and strengthen these seismically deficient structures. The retrofitting is one of the best options to make an existing inadequate building safe against future probable earthquake or other environmental forces. Retrofitting reduces the vulnerability of damage of an existing structure during a near future seismic activity. It aims to strengthen a structure to satisfy the requirements of the current codes for seismic design. A significant amount of research work has been carried out in recent years to develop various strengthening and rehabilitation techniques to improve the seismic performance of structures. This paper aims to present an overview on different innovative and cost effective techniques of retrofitting for strengthening the damaged structures.


Jacketing, Shear Wall, Bracing, Shotcrete, Isolation.

How to Cite this Article?

Gorai, S., and Maiti, P.R.(2016). Advanced Retrofitting Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures: a State-of-the-Art Review. i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, 5(1), 36-48.


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