Mitigation for Jelly Fish Attack on MANET

Shweta Shah*, Madhu Sharma**, Ashish Jain***
* Postgraduate, Institute of Engineering and Technology, DAVV, Indore, India.
** Postgraduate, Institute of Engineering and Technology, DAVV, Indore, India.
*** Research Scholar, Institute of Engineering and Technology, DAVV, Indore, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


Mobile Adhoc Networks have become a part and parcel of technology advancements due to its extraordinary technique. Open communication feature make it prone for various security threats. Subsequently, there are many security threats like DDOS, Wormhole, Black hole etc., which not only affect the network performance but also responsible for the leakage of sensitivity of information. Jelly-Fish attack is one of the routing disruption attack which lies in the series of wormhole and black hole attack at network layer. It attempts to compromise the network packet and store them for a period of time. It may try to introduce delay or partial capturing of packets during communication. Due to big impact of jellyfish attack, it has gained a big name in recently and most wide area for researchers. Jellyfish Attack exploits the end-to-end communication and creates congestion in transmission protocols. Arbitrary network failure or node failure is the natural phenomena and may vary as per real life deployment, but intentional failure or compromising network may lead to information leakage. Security in mobile networks is a challenging task. The complete study observes that the security threats not only capture the packets but also degrades the network performance. To overcome vulnerability problems, this work considers jellyfish attack as the study target and will derive a mechanism to identify and prevent mobile networks from security threats.


MANETs, Security, Jellyfish Attack.

How to Cite this Article?

Shah, S., Sharma, M., and Jain, A. (2016). Mitigation for Jelly Fish Attack on MANET. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 2(4), 19-25.


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