Global Health Competencies of Nurse Students in Philippines

Hamzeh Y. Abunab*, Wireen Leila T. Dator**, Jose Reinhard C. Laoingco***
* Research Scholar, School of Nursing, Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines.
** Assistant Professor and Director, Scientific Research Unit, College of Nursing, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh City, KSA.
*** Associate Dean, School of Nursing, Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines.
Periodicity:May - July'2016


This study sought to assess the Global Health Competencies (GHC) of the fourth year nursing students in a selected School of Nursing (SON) and to determine integration of the GHC in the BSN curriculum. Descriptive cross-sectional design was followed in this study using self-rated assessment tool. GHC of students and integration of GHC in the BSN curriculum were assessed. Results revealed that (1) the students are moderately competent in the global burden of disease category with Weighted Mean Score (WMS) of 2.6; (2) competent in four categories of GHCs specifically, health implications of travel and displacements, globalization of health and healthcare; healthcare in low resource and healthcare as human right and development resource with WMSs of 2.88, 2.85, 3.04 and 3.28 respectively; (3) highly competent in social and environmental determinants of health with WMS of 3.46; the overall result implies that the student are competent in general with WMS of 3.02. Majority of the students claimed the GHCs are integrated into their BSN curriculum. Findings revealed that the SON is responsive to the students' training to develop competencies in meeting the challenges of global health.


Global Health Competencies. Global Burden of Disease, Nurse Students.

How to Cite this Article?

Abunab, H.Y., Dator, W.L.T., and Laoingco, J.R.C. (2016). Global Health Competencies of Nurse Students in Philippines. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 6(2), 24-31.


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