Finite difference solution for an MHD Free Convective Rotating Flow past an Accelerated Vertical Plate

Harnath Yeddala*, A. Sudhakaraiah**, P. Venkatalakshmi***, M. Sivaiah****
* Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India. / Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities & Sciences, Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Future Studies, S. V. University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*** Professor, Department of Humanities & Sciences, Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, Gudur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
**** Senior Lecturer & HOD, Department of Mathematics, NBKR Science & Arts College, Gudur, Andhra
Periodicity:April - June'2016


Numerical solution of an MHD (Magneto Hydrodynamics) free convective flow with variable heat and mass transfer past an incompressible fluid past an infinite vertical plate, which is uniformly accelerated in the presence of rotation has been discussed in this paper. With linearly increasing time, the temperature as well as concentration levels near the plate are raised. Through graphs, the velocity profiles, temperature, concentration distributions, Shear stress at the wall, rates of heat and mass transfer are discussed in this paper. The observed conclusions are with the increase of magnetic field, thermal buoyancy, and Solutal Grashoff number, the transient velocity increases. The secondary velocity increases with the lessening of the magnetic field but decreases with the increase of thermal buoyancy, and Solutal Grashoff number. The velocity increases with decreasing values of the rotation parameter (Ω) and Dufour number (Du). This shows that the heat transfer is more in air than in water when in comparison. With the increase of the Dufour number, the temperature increases but gradually decreases in the boundary layer. With the increase of reaction of the chemicals, the distribution of concentration decreases and also in the boundary layer. The radiation decreases the velocity but for a lesser radiation atmosphere, temperature increases. With the increase of M, Pr, and K, the shear stress decreases. With the increase of M, , and Gr, there is no change in the rate of heat transfer. With increase of Du and Sc, its rate of heat transfer is increased. Similarly with the increase of M, and Gr there is no change in the rate of mass transfer.


Rotating Flow, Accelerated Vertical Plate, Variable Heat and Mass Transfer, Linearly Increasing Time, Finite Difference Solution.

How to Cite this Article?

Yeddala, H., Sudhakaraiah, A., Venkatalakshmi, P., and Sivaiah, M. (2016). Finite difference solution for an MHD Free Convective Rotating Flow past an Accelerated Vertical Plate. i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics, 5(2), 34-44.


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