An Approach of ECG Analysis for Diagnosis of Heart Diseases

Ekta Gajendra*, Jitendra Kumar**
* PG Scholar, Department of Communication Engineering, SSTC (SSGI), Bhilai, (C.G), India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Instrumentation, SSTC (SSGI), Bhilai, (C.G), India.
Periodicity:April - June'2016


In Today's World, heart problems are the major health concern people are facing. In order to prolong life, one must be fit and should keep a check on their health. Cardiac Arrhythmia is one such heart condition, which can be diagnosed from the persons ECG (Electrocardiogram). ECG is the graphical representation of the heart's electrical activity. Any change in the waveform of the ECG depicts change in the functioning of it, which can be used as a diagnostic measure. ECG Classification is done in 3 stages, first is de-noising of the ECG signal, in the second step, the authors perform feature Extraction and finally Classifies it. The authors use FIR Filter for signal de-noising and then, they have tried to do the analysis using DOM (Difference Operation Method) for feature extraction and LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) for the classification of ECG signal to predict if he/she is vulnerable to any such heart condition or not. On using the above named methods the authors achieve an accuracy of 98.077% and a sensitivity of 98.009%.


Feature Extraction, Classification, DOM (Difference Operation Method), LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis).

How to Cite this Article?

Gajendra,E., and Kumar,J. (2016). An Approach of ECG Analysis for Diagnosis of Heart Diseases. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 4(2), 8-16.


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