Attitude towards Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation of High School Students

A. Vences Cyril*, Jeyasekaran D**
* Ph.D. Scholar, St. Xavier's College of Education, Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
** Assistant Professor, Peniel Rural College of Education, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2016


Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refers to a system of school-based evaluation introduced by CBSE in all CBSE affiliated schools across the country to evaluate both scholastic and non-scholastic aspects of students' growth and development. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation is to evaluate every aspect of the child during their presence at the school. This is believed to help reduce the pressure on the child during and before the examination and to improve the overall skill and ability of the student by means of evaluation of other activities. The focus was on identifying the talents of the learner and empowering with positive input. The purpose of the present study was to find out the attitude towards continuous and comprehensive evaluation of high school students. The research type was a survey method, which consists of purposive sampling of 99 high school students in Dindigul district. Personal data sheet and Attitude towards continuous and comprehensive evaluation scale was prepared and validated by the investigator. The interpretation of data was done with statistical methods in percentage analysis, mean, standard deviation and 't'-test. The results showed that, the attitude of continuous and comprehensive evaluation of high school students in Dindigul district, found to be positive.


Attitude, High School Students, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.

How to Cite this Article?

Cyril, A. V., and Jeyasekaran, D. (2016). Attitude towards Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation of High School Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 9(4), 21-26.


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