Power Quality Improvement of Grid Connected PV System Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer

Vivekanand Rai*, Kishan Bhushan Sahay**
*PG Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, MMMUT, Gorakhpur, India.
**Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, MMMUT, Gorakhpur, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2016
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jps.4.1.5966


Power quality problems are basically concerned with voltage fluctuations, voltage sag, swell, frequency distortions, and harmonics in the current at the load side. These problems lead to failure, and mis-operation of various sensitive loads. Distribution system networks, critical industrial loads and other commercial operations suffer from various power quality problems which can lead to considerable financial losses. This paper represents a grid connected PV based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) to mitigate deep voltage sags. The existence of three phase fault in the system affects the grid voltage and current. DVR injects voltage in series with the system to mitigate the voltage sag. An efficient DC-DC step up converter with a three level (6pulse) VSC (Voltage Source Converter) is utilised to give stable and harmonic free supply to the Grid. The simulation results and analysis show the validation of proposed DVR.


Grid Connected Photovoltaics (PV), DVR, Voltage Sag, VSC, MATLAB/Simulink.

How to Cite this Article?

Rai, V., and Sahay, K. B. (2016). Power Quality Improvement of Grid Connected PV System using Dynamic Voltage Restorer. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 4(1), 5-13. https://doi.org/10.26634/jps.4.1.5966


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