This paper discusses culture, as a source of conflict than of synergy, how affects the use of new media to build digital citizenships. It also argues that the cultural dimensions of Geert Hofstede, who demonstrates that there are national and regional cultural groupings that affect the behavior of organizations, are very persistent across time. Global online cultures can be described according to the analysis of Geert Hofstede. These ideas can be first based on a large scale into local and national culture differences across subordinates of a multinational digital society. Furthermore, the authors hope that the underlying assumptions and theoretical constructs through the use of Hofstede's cultural dimensions will help digital citizens understand management in an online community, and have both knowledge and empathy with not only the whole local sight but also the global scene. In spite of calls for enhanced collaboration between online societies and different cultures, there is still altercation between digital citizens, groups and nations. On the other hand, they are uncovered to universal dilemmas, troubles and problems which demand mutual understanding for the clarification of these difficulties. Based on the cultural dimensions of Geert Hofstede, building global culture through new media helps digital citizens appreciate the diversities in the way strategists and their supporters think, offering realistic resolutions for digital citizens to help solve conflict between different groups.


Transformative Power Of Digital Citizenship: Critical Perspectives On Culture, New Media And Pedagogy

Gulsun Kurubacak*
* Assistant Professor, Anadolu University College of Open Educaflon, Department of Distance Educatlon ,Esklsehir TURKEY.
Periodicity:July - September'2007


This paper discusses culture, as a source of conflict than of synergy, how affects the use of new media to build digital citizenships. It also argues that the cultural dimensions of Geert Hofstede, who demonstrates that there are national and regional cultural groupings that affect the behavior of organizations, are very persistent across time. Global online cultures can be described according to the analysis of Geert Hofstede. These ideas can be first based on a large scale into local and national culture differences across subordinates of a multinational digital society. Furthermore, the authors hope that the underlying assumptions and theoretical constructs through the use of Hofstede's cultural dimensions will help digital citizens understand management in an online community, and have both knowledge and empathy with not only the whole local sight but also the global scene. In spite of calls for enhanced collaboration between online societies and different cultures, there is still altercation between digital citizens, groups and nations. On the other hand, they are uncovered to universal dilemmas, troubles and problems which demand mutual understanding for the clarification of these difficulties. Based on the cultural dimensions of Geert Hofstede, building global culture through new media helps digital citizens appreciate the diversities in the way strategists and their supporters think, offering realistic resolutions for digital citizens to help solve conflict between different groups.


Synergy, Multinational Digital Society, Digital Citizens.

How to Cite this Article?

Gulsun Kurubacak (2007). Transformative Power Of Digital Citizenship: Critical Perspectives On Culture, New Media And Pedagogy. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2), 1-14.


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