An Automated Fabric Fault Detection Using a Microcontroller

A. Selvarasi*
*PG Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CK College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2016


Textile industries are one of the major revenue generating industries in Tamil Nadu, India. Greater efforts are taken in manufacturing the good quality fabrics. Defects in a fabric are a major issue to the textile industry. Textile industries in Tamil Nadu initially had only manual inspection strategy for the detection of faults. Later, automation has been made through image processing techniques. Traditional inspection process for fabric defects is by human visual inspection, which is inefficient, costly and time consuming. To enhance the accuracy of fabric defects detection, and help people out from this tedious and stressful work, an automated fabric inspection system has been proposed. To automate this process, the fault present on the fabrics can be identified using MATLAB with Image processing techniques and the implementation of this idea is done in Arduino kit for real time applications.


Arduino, Fabric Fault Classification, Image Processing, MATLAB, Morphological Operators.

How to Cite this Article?

Selvarasi, A. (2016). An Automated Fabric Fault Detection Using a Microcontroller. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 2(4), 11-17.


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