Design and Analysis of Pipe Network System by Using EPANET

Seshagiri Rao Boddu*, Rohini Kumar**
*-** Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Anakapalle, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2016


Water is a basic necessity for every human being and is used for various purposes like drinking, cleaning, sanitation, etc. This shows the fact that how important it is to make water available for residential locales, industries and other such commercial establishments. Designing is an important part in the construction of any major infrastructure. Supplying and availability of water is an integral part of construction now-a-days. With the advent of technology, the authors have now designed, analysed, studied and modified various types of pipes and pipe networks for complex and sophisticated conditions. EPANET is one such software which allows to carry out all such operations. The process gives us to explore a wide variety of choices quickly and in a short span of time. If any new buildings are constructed in future, the pipe lines are easily designed by using EPANET on trial and error process. The present analysis explains about the functioning and working of EPANET. The solution is robust, simple, and it proved to be useful and practical for the modeling as it is illustrated on the hydraulic models of DIET campus.


EPANET, Distribution Network, Pipe Network, Grid Iron, Hazen-Williams, Darcy- Weisbach, Chezy-Manning.

How to Cite this Article?

Boddu,S,R., and Kumar,R. (2016). Design and Analysis of Pipe Network System by Using EPANET. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 6(2), 42-49.


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