Correlational Study on Nurses' Performance in Secondary Private and GovernmentHospitals in Albay, Philippines

Joven T. Loyola*
*Assistant Science Junior Tutor, Oman Nursing Institute, Sultanate of Oman.
Periodicity:February - April'2016


This study was conceptualized in order to determine the factors that affect the performance of nurses in secondary private hospitals in Albay, Philippines and to find out the level performance of nurses in the said hospitals as perceived by nurses and patients alike. It further made a comparison with the findings of a similar study made among government hospitals. Twenty-six nurses and 146 patients from seven secondary private and government hospitals served as respondents of this investigation. Specifically, it sought to present: 1) the demographic profile of the nurse-respondents in terms of (a) age, (b) sex, (c) religion, (d) civil status, (e) salary, and (f) the number of years in service; 2) the demographic profile of the patient-respondents in terms of (a) age, (b) sex, (c) civil status, (d) highest educational attainment, and (e) diagnosis; 3) the factors that affect the performance of nurses in terms of (a) nurse-related factors; (b) patient-related factors; and (c) environmental factors; 4) the level of performance of nurses in providing nursing care to patients as perceived by the respondents; 5) whether there is a significant difference between the level of performance of nurses in secondary private and government hospitals in Albay; and 6) the measures that may be proposed to enhance the performance of nurses in rendering quality nursing care to patients. According to the results of the T-test used to correlate data from the current study and data from Veloso's study, there is a significant difference between the level of performance of nurses in private secondary hospitals and that of nurses in government secondary hospitals.


Correlational Study on Nurses' Performance, Nurses' Performance, Secondary Private and Government Nurses' Performance.

How to Cite this Article?

Loyola, J.T. (2016). Correlational Study on Nurses' Performance in Secondary Private and Government Hospitals in Albay, Philippines. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 6(1), 6-23.


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