Study and Comparison of Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review

Anamika*, H.L. Mandoria**, B.K. Pandey***
* PG Scholar, Department of Information Technology, G.B.P.U.A & T, Pantnagar, India.
**-**** Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, G.B.P.U.A & T, Pantnagar, India.
*** Professor & Head, Department of Information Technology, G.B.P.U.A & T, Pantnagar, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2016


In the past years, the wireless sensor networks are a emerging and trending technology because of its interesting applications to replace humans to monitor the physical and environmental conditions in industrial, civilians and military uses. The sensor nodes are battery operated, therefore these networks are energy constrained. An optimum trade-off is required in between energy dissipation, accuracy and latency in data transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks for longer network lifetime and effective message or throughput. The main goal of Research in Wireless Sensor Network is to devise novel energy efficient routing solutions to save the energy of motes, thereby maximizing the lifetime of sensor nodes. Topology control or clustering of sensor nodes can balance the load among sensor nodes, which increases the network lifetime and the scalability period of sensor nodes in Wireless Sensor Network. This paper provides a review on various hierarchical energy efficient clustering protocols along with the applications of the Wireless Sensor Networks.


CH, SN, Heterogeneous, WSNs, DEEC, EDEEC, DDEEC.

How to Cite this Article?

Anamika, Kumar, A., Mandoria, H.L., and Pandey, B.K. (2016). Study and Comparison of Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review. i-manager's Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 4(4), 38-45.


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