Cross-Cultural Awareness and the Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility in Canada: The Case of Target

Ina Freeman*
*Associate Professor, Rockford University, East State Street, Rockford, USA.
Periodicity:March - May'2016


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is universally recognized and integrated into international business strategies since 2009. The 2014 Canadian government's expectations promote Canadian values, utilizing the highest ethical standards in their operations, ensuring Canadian companies doing business internationally, are recognized as ethical and responsible. Further, it also ensures that businesses that are based abroad but operate in Canada, conduct themselves in a similar manner

One business that recently entered and promptly left the Canadian marketplace is the American based business Target. This store's Canadian subsidiary, Target Canada, entered the marketplace with the purchase of a Canadian discount chain in 2011, beginning operations in March 2013. In January 2015, Target Canada filed for bankruptcy and closed all stores in April 2015 with a loss of $2.1 billion. While the financial requirements of “setting up” business in Canada was more costly than the Target and Target Canada executives may have anticipated, the Canadians' response to Target's leaving included statements to the effect that, Target Canada did not understand Canadians who pride themselves in not being Americans. This article discusses CSR as practiced in Canada and the rejection of businesses that adhere to a non- Canadian identity while operating in Canada.


Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Canada, Canadian, Governance, American, United States, Target Canada.

How to Cite this Article?

Freeman, I. (2016). Cross-Cultural Awareness and the Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility in Canada: The Case of Target. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 10(4), 10-25.


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