Axisymmetric Vibration of Pyrocomposite Solid Cylinder

V.K. Nelson*, S. Karthikeyan**
*Department of Mathematics, Government College of Engineering, Salem.
** Department of Mathematics, Sona College of Technology, Salem.
Periodicity:August - October'2008


Axisymmetric vibration of an infinite Pyrocomposite circular cylinder made of inner solid and outer hollow pyroelectric layer belonging to crystal class 6 bonded together by a Linear Elastic Material with Voids (LEMV) is studied. The exact frequency equation is obtained for the traction free outer surface with continuity conditions at the interfaces.  Numerical results in the form of data and dispersion curves for the first and second mode of the axisymmetric vibration of the cylinder ceramic - 1/ Adhesive / ceramic - 2 by taking the adherents as BaTio3 and the adhesive layer as an existing Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) or as a hypothetical LEMV layer with and without voids are compared with a pyroelectric solid cylinder. The damping is analyzed through the imaginary part of the complex frequency.


Axisymmetric Vibration, Pyrocomposite, Solid Cylinder, Linear Elastic Material with Voids(LEMV), Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer(CFRP).

How to Cite this Article?

V. K. Nelson and S. Karthikeyan (2008). Axisymmetric Vibration Of Pyrocomposite Solid Cylinder. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 4(1), 69-75.


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