This article will outline how a web based video conferencing system (Marratech) was used in a graduate online counsellor education course as part of a blended online graduate degree in Counseling. Since the course is open to students from around North America, a variety of e-delivery methods of instruction is critical to the program’s success. A rationale for using web conferencing will be presented followed by details on how to integrate web videoconferencing into an online course. Recommendations on using this e-learning tool in online courses are provided.


Strategies To Integrate Web Videoconferencing Software Into An Online Counselor Education Course

Dawn Lorraine Mcbride*, Paul M.Muhlbach**
* Assistant Professor at University of Lethbridge.
** Computer Network Administrator.
Periodicity:January - March'2008


This article will outline how a web based video conferencing system (Marratech) was used in a graduate online counsellor education course as part of a blended online graduate degree in Counseling. Since the course is open to students from around North America, a variety of e-delivery methods of instruction is critical to the program’s success. A rationale for using web conferencing will be presented followed by details on how to integrate web videoconferencing into an online course. Recommendations on using this e-learning tool in online courses are provided.


Web conferencing, Web videoconferencing, Marratech, Online courses, Counselor Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Dawn Lorraine Mcbride and Paul M. Muhlbach (2008). Strategies To Integrate Web Videoconferencing Software Into An Online Counselor Education Course. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 4(4), 1-8.


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