Fuzzy Approach for 802.11 Wireless Intrusion Detection

Raouf Ketata*, 0**
*,** Researoh unit on Intelligent Control, Design and Optimization of Complex Systems (/COS), National Sohool of Engineers of Sfax. National Institute of Applied Soienoe andTeohnolog!es ofTunis, Tunlsia
Periodicity:October - December'2007
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.2.2.567


This paper proposes a new fuzzy logic approach to perform analysis and detection intrusion in 802.11 wireless networks. The algorithm consists on five steps: First, construct our networks and generating much case of daily traffic and intrusion. In same time, catch different values of system and networks parameters and associate with them a potential degree of severity alarm. Second, generate fuzzy rules from numerical data using Mendel Wang method. Third, implement new rule base on each computer and start system. Adjust it for catching parameter cyclically and compute severity alarm. If it detects intrusion, then send massage for every network node. Four, in case of no responding system or error, start learning mechanism by injection of numerical values and generating fuzzy rules.


Fuzzy Logic, Network Security, Wireless Intrusion Detection

How to Cite this Article?

Raouf Ketata and Hatem Bellaaj (2007). Fuzzy Approach for 802.11 Wireless Intrusion Detection. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(2), 49-55. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.2.2.567


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