Smart Ceramic Materials for Homogeneous Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines- A Review

Kannan Chidambaram*, P. Tamilporai**
*Senior Lecturer, Department of Automobile Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Pennalur,Sriperumbudur ,India
** Professor & Head, Division of IC Engines, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University,Chennai,India
Periodicity:August - October'2008


The advantages of using ceramics in advanced heat engines can include increased fuel efficiency due to higher engine operating temperatures and more compact designs with lower capacity cooling system. Future internal combustion engines may be characterized by near zero emission levels along with low specific fuel consumption. Homogenous combustion that is formed inside the engine cylinder has the potential of providing near zero emission level with better fuel economy. However, the accomplishment of homogeneous combustion depends on the air flow structure inside the combustion chamber, fuel injection conditions and air turbulence as well as ignition conditions. Various methods and procedures are now being adopted to create homogeneous combustion inside the engine cylinder. In modern design, we see porous ceramic materials being introduced inside the combustion chamber to achieve homogeneous combustion. This paper investigates and reviews the desirable structures, types and properties of such porous ceramic materials and their positive influence on the combustion process.


Porous Ceramic Material, Internal Combustion Engine, Homogeneous Combustion.

How to Cite this Article?

C. Kannan And P. Tamilporai (2008). Smart Ceramic Materials For Homogeneous Combustion In Internal Combustion Engines - A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 4(1), 8-16.


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