Modeling of Coastal Erosion and Accretion

T. Hemamalini*, S. Somasundaram**, A.N. Senthivel***, R. Prabhakar****
*Lecturer, Mathematics Dept,Tamilnadu college of Engineering Karumatthampatty,Tamilnadu,India.
**Assistant Professor,Mathematics Dept,Coimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu,India.
***Lecturer, CSE Dept,Coimbatore Institute of Technology ,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu,India.
****Professor and Head, CSE Dept,Coimbatore Institute of Technology ,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu,India.
Periodicity:August - October'2008


Spatial data were collected from map 1973, IRS 1A, IRS 1B of 1989 and 2001. A spatial model was created based on these data. This GIS application, based on available and easily developed digital data, provides realistic and valuable information in a short time frame. This paper includes three major stages: (1) data preparation and pre-processing, (2) boundary detection and (3) modeling and results presentation. These results offered some insights for erosion control on the 11o 40’ Northing to 11o 30’ Northing of Tamilnadu state of Indian east coast area. This paper helps to identify the coastal erosion and accretion.


Remote Sensing, Connected Objects, Erosion, Accretion.

How to Cite this Article?

T. Hemamalini, S. Somasundaram, A.N. Senthivel and R. Prabhakar (2008). Modeling of Coastal Erosion and Accretion. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 4(1), 1-7.


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