Virtual teams are a common phenomenon in organizations today. Universities are no exception to this trend and, in response, are offering class rooms without boundaries by introducing online programs which allow individuals from all walks of life and diverse geographical locations to come together. Cross-cultural virtual teams, collaborating with globally dispersed team members, are now common in online educational programs. This study analyses empirical observations from 18 online graduate classes with a total of 450 students dispersed all over the globe, and their cross-cultural collaboration in virtual teams.  Six parameters, which contribute to the successful management of cross-cultural virtual teams, are identified.


Parameters For Successful Management Of Cross-Cultural Virtual Teams

Evelyn Gullett*, Karin Sixl-Daniell**
*PhD in Economic and Social Sciences form the university of Graz,Austria.
Periodicity:April - June'2008


Virtual teams are a common phenomenon in organizations today. Universities are no exception to this trend and, in response, are offering class rooms without boundaries by introducing online programs which allow individuals from all walks of life and diverse geographical locations to come together. Cross-cultural virtual teams, collaborating with globally dispersed team members, are now common in online educational programs. This study analyses empirical observations from 18 online graduate classes with a total of 450 students dispersed all over the globe, and their cross-cultural collaboration in virtual teams.  Six parameters, which contribute to the successful management of cross-cultural virtual teams, are identified.


Cross-Cultural Teams, Virtual Teams, Management Of Cross-Cultural Teams, Management Of Virtual Teams, E-Learning, Online Learning, Distance Learning, Collaboration, Peer Learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Evelyn Gullett and Karin Sixl- Daniell (2008). Parameters For Successful Management Of Cross-Cultural Virtual Teams. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 5(1), 49-58.


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