An Overview of Ontology-based Semantic Similarity Measures

Selvi P *, Gopalan N.P**
*Ph.D Research Schalar, Departmentaf Computer Science and Engineering NIT,Tiruchirappalli, India.
**** Professor, Department af Computer Applications, National Institute af Technalagy, Tiruchlrappalll, India
Periodicity:October - December'2007


Ontologies are widely used and play important roles in applications related to knowledge management, knowledge engineering, natural language processing, information retrieval, etc. Different semantic measures have been proposed in the literature to evaluate the strength of the semantic link between two concepts or two groups of concepts from either two different ontologies (ontology alignment) or the same ontology. This article presents an off-context study of different semantic measures based on an ontology restricted to subsomption links. We first present some common principles, and then propose a comparative study based on a set of semantic and theoretical criteria are proposed.


Ontology, Semantic Similarity, Similarity Measure, Comparison of Similarity Measure

How to Cite this Article?

Selvi P and Gopalan N.P (2007). An Overview of Ontology-based Semantic Similarity Measures. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(2), 32-37.


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