There are several major challenges for instructional designers seeking to design learning games. These include the lack of access, the cost of rapidly advancing/expensive technology tools that make developing games uneconomical, the institutional time constraints limiting game use, and the concerns that schools lack sufficiently robust computer systems and bandwidth to allow their teachers and students to take full advantage of "bleeding edge" technology. This paper discusses how a theory of design from famed game system designer Gunpel Yokoi can be leveraged in learning game design by focusing on the use of mature technologies already widely present in schools. By thinking about older technologies in innovative ways instead of relying on the flash of the newest graphics to motivate learners, learning game design can deliver low-cost, engaging play for learning.


Yokoi's Theory Of Lateral Innovation: Applications For Learning Game Design

Scott J.Warren*, Greg Jones**
* ,**Assistant Professor, Department of Learning Technologies, University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
Periodicity:July - September'2008


There are several major challenges for instructional designers seeking to design learning games. These include the lack of access, the cost of rapidly advancing/expensive technology tools that make developing games uneconomical, the institutional time constraints limiting game use, and the concerns that schools lack sufficiently robust computer systems and bandwidth to allow their teachers and students to take full advantage of "bleeding edge" technology. This paper discusses how a theory of design from famed game system designer Gunpel Yokoi can be leveraged in learning game design by focusing on the use of mature technologies already widely present in schools. By thinking about older technologies in innovative ways instead of relying on the flash of the newest graphics to motivate learners, learning game design can deliver low-cost, engaging play for learning.


Yokoi, Lateral Thinking, Game Design, Learning, Instructional Design, Mature Technologies.

How to Cite this Article?

Scott J. Warren and Greg Jones (2008). Yokoi's Theory Of Lateral Innovation: Applications For Learning Game Design. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 5(2), 32-43.


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