Detecting Phishing Web Sites by a Content-Based Approach CANTINA

Balasubramanian D*, Boopathy R.**, Jeyabalaraja V***, Thirumal S****
*Senior Lecturer Dept of MSc (IT),Velammal Engg College ,Chennai,Tamilnadu
**Senior Lecturer Dept of MCA,Velammal Engg College ,Chennai,Tamilnadu
***PROFESSOR, Dept of MCA,Velammal Engg College ,Chennai,Tamilnadu
****Senior Lecturer Dept of MCA,Velammal Engg College ,Chennai,Tamilnadu
Periodicity:January - March'2008


Cantina is a content-based approach for detecting phishing web sites, based on the TF-IDF information retrieval algorithm. Phishing is a significant problem involving fraudulent email and web sites that trick unsuspecting users into revealing private information. In this paper discusses about the design and evaluation of several heuristics developed to reduce false positives. The experiments show that CANTINA is good at detecting phishing sites, correctly labeling approximately 95% of phishing sites using CANTINA.


How to Cite this Article?

Balasubramanian D, Boopathy R, Jeyabalaraja V and Thirumal S (2008). Detecting Phishing Web Sites by a Content-Based Approach CANTINA. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(3), 6-21.


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