Comparison between Traditional and Component Based Design Framework for Web Applications –A Qualititative approach

R. Thirumalai Selvi*, Adham Sheriff A **, Balasubramanian N.V***, George T. Manohar****
*Sr; Lecturer, Department of Computer Applications, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, India.
**Lecturel:; Department of Computer Applications, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, India
*** Professo Department of Computer Science & Engineering RMKEngineefing College, Chennai, India.
****Rtd Professor, Department of ElectficalEngineering IlTMadras, Chennai, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2007


A framework is a set of common and prefabricated software building blocks that programmers can use, extend or customize for specific computing solutions. Frameworks are built from collection of objects so both the design and code of the framework may be reused. A framework does several things it makes it easier to work with complex technologies; it ties together a bunch of discrete objects/components into something more useful. A number of frameworks are available in the Open Source community. In this paper we discuss about the comparison between two various frameworks like ASP and TYPO3.One is a traditional and another one is a component-based framework. The paper presents the findings of a small study of projects undertaken by students in the web publishing area. Finally we come to a conclusion that while developing web application, which is the best framework.


ASP, CMS, Component Framework, Traditional Framework, TYPO3

How to Cite this Article?

Thirumalai Selvi R, Adham Sheriff A, Balasubramanian N.V and George T. Manohar (2007). Comparison between Traditional and Component Based Design Framework for Web Applications –A Qualititative approach. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(2),1-5.


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