This paper presents a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach to support and promote deeper student learning in a computer architecture course. A PBL approach using a simulator building activity was used to teach part of the course. The remainder of the course was taught using a traditional lecture-tutorial approach. Qualitative data was collected using a questionnaire survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach. The student responses showed that the PBL approach was successful in developing deeper learning experiences and general skills such as time management and teamwork while at the same time contributing to a more enjoyable learning experience. As part of the investigation, the authors also looked at student fears and concerns as they were asked to make a transition from a more structured to a less structured learning environment.


Simulator Building As A Problem-Based Learning Approach For Teaching Students In A Computer Architecture Course

Ang L.M*, Seng K.P**
* Associate Professor, University of Nottingham, Malaysia.
** Associate Professor, University of Nottingham, Malaysia.
Periodicity:October - December'2008


This paper presents a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach to support and promote deeper student learning in a computer architecture course. A PBL approach using a simulator building activity was used to teach part of the course. The remainder of the course was taught using a traditional lecture-tutorial approach. Qualitative data was collected using a questionnaire survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach. The student responses showed that the PBL approach was successful in developing deeper learning experiences and general skills such as time management and teamwork while at the same time contributing to a more enjoyable learning experience. As part of the investigation, the authors also looked at student fears and concerns as they were asked to make a transition from a more structured to a less structured learning environment.


Problem-based learning, Constructivist learning, Computer architecture, Simulator.

How to Cite this Article?

Ang L.M and Seng K.P (2008). Simulator Building As A Problem-Based Learning Approach For Teaching Students In A Computer Architecture Course. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 5(3), 23-30.


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