Traceback System to Identify the Source of the Spoofed IP Packets in Multi ISP Domains

Murali Bhaskaran V*, Natarajan A.M**
Periodicity:April - June'2008


Internet Protocol (IP) packet traceback system is to identify the origin of sequences of IP packets when the source addresses of these packets are spoofed. IP packet traceback is usually performed with the help of routers and gateways. Several approaches have been proposed to trace IP packets to their origin. The packet marking approach enables routers to probabilistically mark packets with partial path information and tries to reconstruct the complete path from the marked packets. In most of these approaches, routers and victims (affected systems) are considerably overloaded for marking the packet and reconstructing the trace path and also more marked packets are required. This paper focuses on tracing the approximate source of attack instead of traceback the entire path in multi domain system, without computation by victim.  It is assumed that Internet topology has been grouped as ISP domains.


Victim, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Traceback, Routers, Spoofing, IP Packets, Multi Domain

How to Cite this Article?

Murali Bhaskaran V and Natarajan A.M (2008). Traceback System to Identify the Source of the Spoofed IP Packets in Multi ISP Domains. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(4), 57-63.


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