Combining XML, Web Services, and the Semantic Web to Bind Document

Balasubramanian D*, Boopathy R.**, Jeyabalaraja V***, Thirumal S****
Periodicity:April - June'2008


A paradigm for uniting the diverse strands of XML-based Web technologies by allowing them to be in-corporated within a single document. This overcomes the distinction between programs and data to make XML truly self-describing.” A  proposal  for  a  lightweight yet  power- ful functional XML vocabulary called \Semantic f XML” is detailed, based on the well-understood functional program-ming paradigm and resembling the embedding of Lisp di-rectly in XML. Infosets are made \dynamic,” since docu-ments can now directly embed local processes or Web Ser-vices into their Infoset. An optional typing regime for info-sets is provided by Semantic Web ontologies. By regarding Web Services as functions and the Semantic  Web as pro-viding types, and tying it all together within a single XML vocabulary, the Web can compute. In this light, the real Web 2.0 can be considered the transformation of the Web from a universal information space to a universal computation space.


Pipelining, Semantic Web, Web Services, XML, Functional Programming

How to Cite this Article?

Balasubramanian D, Boopathy R, Jeyabalaraja V and Thirumal S (2008). Combining XML, Web Services, and the Semantic Web to Bind Document. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 2(4), 13-25.



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