GridSim Installation and Implementation Process

Neeraj Kumar Rathore*
*Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2015


GridSim is a famous Java-based grid simulator with a clear focus on Grid environment. This simulator is based on entities: Grid users, brokers (bargaining on behalf of users) and resources. These entities can have customized characteristics. In this paper, the author has discussed about how to create a Grid Resource, Users, Gridlets and Entities in GridSim to start the simulation as well as the submission and retrieving of Gridlets (job/task) to Grid Resources in GridSim. The author has also introduced some enhancements in the GridSim. Machine Entity (ME) is treated as a dump entity object in GridSim 4.0 and is not able to participate in any decision making activities. The author has proposed that, the ME should be active and participate in load balancing at its level. In order to implement Load balancing model, the author has developed an application which uses the simulated the Grid environment i.e, GridSim. It has been implemented in the application by using Java programming language over the GridSim 5-2_2, to run the application completely on GridSim package.


GridSim, Load Balancing, Grid Resources, Gridlets, Machine Entity, Brokers.

How to Cite this Article?

Rathore, N. (2015). GridSim Installation and Implementation Process. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 2(4), 23-34.


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